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Customer Service / versión en español

Hotel Canterville

1st grade, secondary - 4th grade, secondary

  • Availability

    You can use our website to look for upcoming shows in your area and request reservations for your students.

  • Can you believe it?!

    223,662 people have seen "Hotel Canterville" since it was first performed for an audience in November, 2003. Really.

  • Did you know ...?

    We've performed "Hotel Canterville" in 50 different provinces of España.

¿Tienes alguna duda? LLÁMANOS y te asesoramos. Disponibles de lunes a viernes de 9 a 15h.
91 434 02 84

Hotel Canterville

1st grade, secondary - 4th grade, secondary

Strange things happen at Hotel Canterville. To begin with, Elvis, the owner is slightly eccentric. He likes rock and roll and his blue suede shoes. On top of everything the guests have to put up with the arrival of Dick and Whacko Vizioso, two disastrous gangsters escaping from the police. When Elvis and the gangsters meet chaos is guaranteed. Frights and laughs are the order of the day as the audience participate in this new comic adventure inspired in Oscar Wilde's classic ghost story The Canterville Ghost.